Site's Software

This site was built using Zola, and this site's source code is on GitHub.

This site does not store cookies or use any browser local storage, nor does it use any kind of tracking or analytics libraries. The site also doesn't fetch any external fonts, scripts, or stylesheets.

The site is automatically built and updated on GitHub when the repository's main branch is updated. It is then automatically deployed to GitHub Pages as a completely static site.

There are four files that are generated when the site is built so they're not in the GitHub repository.

  • The styles.css file is automatically generated by the .scss files in the folder sass.
  • The elasticlunr.min.js file helps power the local search.
  • The search_index.en.json file is the database used for the search.

The search function relies on JavaScript to work. This site should otherwise function normally even with JavaScript disabled.