Create a Section

Creating a section is very easy. The steps are as follows:

  • Create a new folder in the content/ folder (be sure to use underscores, not hyphens or spaces, in the filename).
  • Create a new file called This file is used to configure the section.
  • Populate the file with the following content:
title = "Section Title"
description = "Short Section Description"
sort_by = "title"

# for weight info, see below
weight = 10

A short little tidbit to explain what's in this section.
This shows up in the section pages for mobile users.

That's it. You're finished.

Now, you're ready to add an article to this new section.

Some configuration things:


sort_by has many possible values, which are explained in Zola's documentation, but I'd expect any contributors would use one of the following: date, title, or weight

If set to title, all pages in a section will be sorted alphabetically by their title.

If set to date, like if we wanted a kind of blog-like section, all articles should follow a filename convention. They should be named, for example

Setting to weight is a bit more of a pain to manage. If using weight to sort, each page has to have a weight set. A weight of 0 will be displayed higher when pages are listed together, like in the sidebar.


weight in this file tells Zola the order in which to sort sections. The weight variable isn't required, but not setting it means sections will be sorted (maybe?) randomly every time the site is rebuilt. So, it's probably better to include weight.

A weight of 0 is displayed highest.

Related articles:

Create an Article

Instructions on how to create a new article