Create an Article

Creating an article is very easy. All you need to do is create an .md file in the correct place and the site will generate the page for you.

For example, if I want to add a page to the "meta" section about creating a page, you'd just do the following:

  • Go to the folder content/meta/
  • Create a file called (The filename will be the article's slug, so pick wisely. Also, use underscores, not hyphens or spaces.)
  • Write what you want the article content to be
  • Add the following to the top of the file so that Zola can build the page:
title = "Create an Article"
description = "Instructions on how to create a new article"

related = []


That's it. You're done.

If you want to add optional related pages, please refer to this article.

Related articles:

List Related Articles

How to list related articles at the bottom of an article

Create a Section

Instructions on how to create a new section